Can you share a story about your earliest memory making art?
It happened during my primary school days and there was this classmate of mine who enjoys drawing action figures and by watching him l got more curious about art. Gradually, I started imitating him and before I knew it, I had been immersed in art.
Can you describe your artistic style and how it evolved over time?
It started with documentation of potraitures, landscapes and anything beautiful I like, I paint. It then evolves to wanting to say something from my own perspectives. The need for mystery and for the audience to fully understand how much I suffer for my decisions massively led me to where I am today.
Who or what were/are your influences?
The contrasting nature of life is one of my biggest curiosities. Interacting with my immediate environment and learning from other perspectives. Pablo Picasso, Alade Ife and Ibe Ananaba are the major artists that really inspire me.
What drives you to create,and how are you changing the world one work at a time?
The need for progress; I realized that creating not only makes me a better artist but a better person.
How do you deal with creative blocks?
By taking a break to read books, and I have carefully selected movies and music.
Talk about the role of Artist in society today
I think the role of an artist is to project the beauty of the human suffering in their own unique voice.
To date what has been your best experience with exhibiting your work?
The joy of meeting new people as the artist and having conversation about the works.
Part of our missions is to help emerging artists find a new audience. What do art collectors or patrons love about your work?
The details and strength.
How do you ensure that your work is original and not infringing on the works of other artists?
By being authentic and also not randomly painting anything.
Fine Arts is universal but it speaks to many beholders. How do you ensure that your work is accessible to diverse audiences?
By looking out for opportunities and also participating actively in the art scene in my locality.
Umbra is about sharing work we love by lesser-known artist around the world. What does being a global citizen and an artist means to you?
To just feel seen and heard by a wider audience, and in turn inspire people.